dinsdag 10 januari 2012

DKNY perfume, Be delicious!

Today , it was my sister's 18th birthday. Now she's like really mature!
Haha ok no. Still the same girl as I know. But whatever! 
For her birthday, I gave her some cute earrings with little golden elephants :].
For herself, she bought a Nokia C3. And my mum wanted to give her a bottle
of perfume. DKNY.. It smells so good! When she doesn't know it, I use
her perfume! Then I feel a little mature too :P (I hope my sis will NOT read this!)
So I will write for you about DKNY :) 
DKNY stands for : Donna Karan New York
I'm interested in the perfume so I googled it..
My favourite bottle of perfume is the apple-one
Smells fruity and delicious, look at the color! Applegreen ♥
This is the first perfume I've ever used.  This perfume has top notes of apple, cucumber and grapefruit.
Sounds good, right? I like it because the smell lasts. Some perfumes seem to disappear on me and I like to be able to smell my perfume throughout the day. 
Be Delicious can be picked up from places like Boots for £27 for 30ml.


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